Tick.Tock sounds the clock.
Clang.Cling does the bell ring.
With such symbols we mark our journey
Through this walk of relativity
We have named living.
Yet deep within us sounds the rhythm
Of a profounder pattern called infinity:
For in each life has been shown
The formula of lovingness
By which we have grown
Into a self-fulfilling awareness.
Behold the first time love
Embraced our walk
Toned our talk,
Honed our all too clumsy actions
Into an eternity-filled fraction
Of compassioned caring
And suddenly we awoke to sharing.
Behold that time when love
Encompassed our humanity
And the urges of the body
Surged into moments of ethereal ecstasy.
And where was time then?
Did the tick,the tock
The bell-ringing of the clock
Restrict the outward blossoming of our love.
Ah yes, the hours we mark
And in our secret silences
Know the truth of time’s remark
That all are special experiences
All are symbiotic melodies
That conspire to create a symphony
Of the lovingness that we are…
And always have been…
And always will be
So,come New Year
You hold no tears
For those whose love will shine.
So,come New Year
For you are but another sphere
In which we happily recline.
So,come New Year
And we with joyful hearts
Welcome all these special moments
When we may be truly who we are.
copyright Geoff Groom 2001