Sunday, May 07, 2006

Islamic silence

Throughout history there has been a continuing
manifestation of the capacity for horror of which
mankind is capable.
In modern history, the Nazi concentration camps
(originated by the British in South Africa!), Israeli
atrocities, the Cambodian 'Killing Fields', the
obscenities of Vietnam, clearly illustrate this
'inhuman capacity'.
However, in ALL of these cases voices -
empowered by religious,moral or ethical energy
- were raised in opposition. And these voices
became broadcast the world over.
As we daily read of the appalling scenarios in Iraq,
it is reasonable to ponder...where are the Islamic
voices of peace, love,compassion
Do we hear Iranian Immams, Saudi Princes, Iraqui
sect leaders...... protesting the kind of grotesque
inhumanity that was, for example, meted out to
the young Iraqui journalist Atwar Bahjat?  Is this
the 'Glory of the Arab world'?
The absence of such voices...whilst the voices
of extremists receive world-wide attention ...
seems to confirm the succesful hijacking of
the truth of Islam. Beware Islam.
Islam is becoming a pseudonym
for horror.
Will the real Islam please stand up and speak?
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