Sunday, November 26, 2006

Universal love

"Three teenagers who robbed and vandalised a church in the US state of
Montana will get "love baskets" of electronic games by the congregation"
this was a report carried by the BBC ( here ).

Faith in positive and loving action.

It set me to thinking that similar loving and forgiving actions are always
happening, all the time, in many different religions.I guess it's even
happening in the sadly sectarian-brutalising country of Iraq where
'muslims' are murdering each other in the name of 'faith'. Love has a
way of winning through, despite all obstacles, so I guess that loving
actions are happening in Iraq.

Maybe the media will one day report these things.I hope for the sake
of Islam that they do.

Anyway, thankfully and wonderfully the report became public about
the SHEC (oh, and please remember I am not an american and actually
I live in Sweden).

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