Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Do as I say, not as I do

As I am very,very,very fond of saying in this blog  "when it comes to claims of spiritual motivation…… follow the money"

This applies whether it's the collections, the stipends, the guru donations, the Islamic 'charity' donations, etc. It particularly applies in the present crises over child abuse within religious institutions.

It is one thing for fine words and sermons about the shame and guilt, quite another thing when you 'follow the money trail'.


In New York it is quite amazing how the fine sermon words are lost within the maze of convoluted and contradictory action taken to immunise compensation claims from victims. You can see what I mean if you read this article HERE

It was well said by Christ "by their fruits you will know them".

How sad, how irreconcilably sad, to be seeing such self-destruction of a channel of faith on such a large scale.

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