Sunday, July 09, 2006

Deprived and oppressed?

In this past week the first anniversary of the London
Terrorist bombings took place. A video from one of
the 'bombers' was also aired in an attempt at
justification for mass murder. Perhaps it is fair to
ask a few questions:

1. How is it that in Afghanistan and Iraq more

Muslims have been and are slaughtered indiscriminately
by other Muslims, and this was happening with or
without the 'Allied forces presence' ?

2. Which country, prior to the second Iraq war, donated

most to Iraq in terms of food and medical aid? Be
surprised to learn that it was NOT a Muslim country.

3. Was Shezhad Tanweer (The bomber at Aldgate)

really deprived and underpriviledged in British Society
when he could leave in his will the sum of £121,000
(after tax)....and was only 22 years of age when he died?

Immams of the true Islam unite....and defend the truth

of the Prophet and the truth of events. For if tolerance
is surrendered to intolerance it is the end of the authority
of Islam in the hearts of most peoples.

Fear has never - and will never - triumph over love in the

long term.

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