Friday, November 09, 2001

TWO blogs today Friday 9th November 2001 15-30 CET
From the poem "Visions 2", Geoffrey Groom 1995

"i did not see a new heaven,
a new Jerusalem descending just for me.
We walked amidst the dusty streets of poverty,
journeyed down the dark alleyways of illness,
we rushed across the sanded dunes of drought,
and slowly climbed the hundred hills of hunger.
they dragged me to the abyss of abuse,
or sailed me on the seas of enslaved misuse,
we inched across the chasm of ignorance
and upon the grave of apathy we did dance!
i heard happy singing in the halls of homelessness
and saw children playing on the dead carcass of greed.
No, i saw no new heaven,
for my eyes were filled with weary tears.
i beheld no new Jerusalem
as my mind encompassed a million fears.
i sank into the deep black darkness of my doubt
.........and at that thought
felt my hand grasped tighter by the little hand it held.

i heard words spoken like as music,
melodies of happiness and love
lifting my vision far above
my melancholy contemplations.
and as i viewed around me
a million childish lips moved in angelic rhythm,
a spasm of realistic hope electrified my consternation.
" It is coming
You will see,
coming to humanity"

return to website.....................

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